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COP sensor

Used as an additional secondary ignition pick-up probe to any automotive oscilloscope

The COP sensor can be used as an additional pick-up probe to any automobile oscilloscope. The COP sensor is used to test the efficiency of a COP ignition system, it is used to determine whether the COP system makes the ignition sparks it’s supposed to and their duration. The COP sensor transforms the signal induced in it by the ignition coil’s high-voltage chain into a voltage pulse, which are shown on the oscilloscope’s screen. These values are in direct relation to the voltaic arc produced by the spark plug. Because of the variety of ignition coils with different constructions, it should be noted that the COP sensor cannot determine the exact value of the voltage where the ignition spark appears, but it can be used for a comparative analysis between the different cylinders in order to determine which cylinder is not working properly.

COP stands for Coil-On-Plug electronic ignition. In COP automobile ignition systems there are no high-voltage cables, and the coil itself is located on top of the spark plug. In most cases the coils are placed on top of the cylinder head on the cylinder block. This is the best location because this way the coils do not get heated up by the exhaust gasses. In other words – the COP is the ignition system of the modern automobile. The lack of high-voltage cables means significant increase in reliability of the ignition systems and a fewer leaks. Using a separate coil on top of each spark plug allows the interval between ignitions to be increased. This means that the residual magnetic field in the coil dissipates better, and because of that the coil works better in higher engine revolutions.